2019年3月31日 星期日

🍐🍊🍋節錄John Berardi, PhD 間歇性斷食一書🍌🍉🍇

這陣子斷食話題吵得沸沸揚揚,最近在讀 Precision Nutrition (精準營養學) 的創辦人 Dr. John 寫得一本關於記錄他自己執行間歇性斷食的一本書,內容非常的有趣,我節錄了其中一小段,等我全部讀完在來寫讀書心得~~
以下是我節錄Dr John執行斷食時所記錄的心理狀態:
Mental Performance
It’s fairly common to struggle during the first few weeks of any new dieting approach, whether it’s a low carb diet, calorie restriction, or IF. Before the body adapts to the new calorie balance and new pattern of fuel utilization, there are all sorts of physical and mental complaints. However, after the initial period of adaptation, most people start feeling better.
After I adapted to the 16/8 pattern, the first thing I noticed – mentally – was an extremely acute improvement in focus and concentration, especially during the fasting part of each day. (Many IF proponents talk about this effect, and I can definitely corroborate it.) During this time, I found it very easy to ignore distractions and focus deeply on single tasks. Of course, this granted me a big boon in productivity. When doing analytical tasks – the work traditionally thought of as “left brain” – my performance was greatly enhanced. Everything from statistics to article editing was easier to dig into. I was excited.
Unfortunately, I quickly realized that what I gained in focus and analytical performance, I lost in creative, synthetic thinking – the work traditionally thought of as “right brain.” While I worked really well alone, real-time collaboration with others suffered big-time during the fasting portion of my day. In addition, my early morning article-writing and strategic thinking sessions were worse than ever.
內容大概的意思就是,當我們在接觸一個新的飲食計畫的時候,前期的適應期都會非常得不舒服,但是等到你適應之後,就會改善很多。很多人都提到在執行 16/8 斷食時,頭腦會變得非常清楚(左腦做事),Dr. John本人也同意這個論點,但是他發現他好像沒辦法像以前一樣有很多創新的思維(右腦做事),所以他為了這個斷食計畫周期內,他改變了他做事情的時間,我將“左腦”工作轉移到了當天的前半段。因此,沒有會議,也沒有在吃飯前寫文章。相反,我專注於編輯,統計和項目管理。然後,我將“右腦”工作轉移到了當天晚些時候。

